''Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.''
1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV)
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Meetings: 2nd and 4th Saturdays.
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1440
Designed to encourage, empower and enrich the lives of young girls with knowledge, skills, and abilities through mentoring, mission projects, community service, fellowship and spiritual development.
Currently Not Meeting
Rehearsals: Thursdays—7pm
Location: Lifelong Learning Center
Facilitator: Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1400
Anointed for Christ Youth Praise Dancers
Praise dance glorifies, praises and lifts up the name of the Lord through synchronized movements, steps, music and song.
Currently Not Meeting
Meetings: monthly August through March.
Shachella James
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1440
Beaus & Debs
The program assists high school seniors’ transition from high school to future endeavors. Classes include financing a college education, college admission process, campus life, etiquette, resume writing and making healthy choices. The program culminates with a formal presentation of each student.
Currently Not Meeting
Meeting: 2nd and 4th Saturdays
Location: Lifelong Learning Center
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1440
Boys Rites of Passage
Designed to assist in the transition from boyhood to manhood. The objectives are to instill strong morals and spiritual values, motivate to achieve a quality education along with useful skills, raise self-esteem, and help build a strong work ethic.
Currently Not Meeting
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1440
Brigade for Christ Drill Team
The Brentwood Brigade for Christ Drill Team uses percision drill, scripture, and songs to minister the word of God.
Currently Not Meeting
Meetings: Wednesdays at 6pm
Location: Lifelong Learning Center
Facilitator: Rev. Kevin Williams
Phone: 713 852 1440
Educate and involve young males in salvation, prayer, witnessing, giving and recreation.
Currently Not Meeting
Meetings are held seasonally.
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1440
Creative Artist for Christ
Involves youth in the creative process through drama, poetry, creative writing and public speaking.
Middle School Ministry
Design to assist youth 6-8 connect with God, each other, and assimilate into youth ministry
Meetings are held on Saturdays.
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1440
Boy Scouts
Trains young men to become leaders in their families, churches and communities. This organization also trains in outdoor and survivor skills
Girl Scouts
Strives to empower girls to do their best regardless of ethnic background, culture or religious belief. Each troop enjoys group activities, camps and council programs.
Currently Not Meeting
Tutors are available on Monday and Thursdays in the Lifelong Learning Center
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1440
Designed to assist students of all ages with homework and studies.
Currently Not Meeting
Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays.
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Frazier
Phone: 713 852 1440
Virtuous Dance Cru
Designed to take the message of Jesus Christ to the community in the form of cutting-edge hip-hop dance.
Currently Not Meeting
Rehearsals: Mondays at 6:30pm
Location: Sanctuary
Phone: 713 852 1440
Youth Choir
Focus on music for worship, both vocal and instrumental, as well as the development of skilled singers and instrumentalist.
Currently Not Meeting
Facilitator: Rev. Kevin Williams
Phone: 713 852 1440
Youth Greeters/Ushers
Welcome worshippers entering the door with a warm smile, greeting, and/or handshake. Their purpose is to greet and assist worshippers as they enter the church building.